Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Tom Stanley

Please help a good friend of mine out, please join and support him.

It has been a while.

Hand printing, (with a wooden spoon)


This is how it came out in the end.

Sunday, 21 March 2010

For all the true smokers.

Before and after shots of a lino I did using the lino and a kind of puzzle.
you must excuse the rubbish photos too.
hope you enjoy.

Monday, 1 March 2010

Eat shit and dry.

Well recently I have been suffering from a spot of Delirium tremens, which to be honest is now starting now to affect my work (the reason I haven't posted anything for a while), it seems too be calming down a bit now but yeah it's still affecting the quality of work I have been doing. I still plan on battling though it so below I have done a water color of how my hands have been feeling, it has come out fairly well and it seems I can produce some fairly okay stuff. So I hope you enjoy.

Thursday, 4 February 2010

Monday, 25 January 2010

Current project.

At the moment I am doing a little project, dont want to give to much away but yeahs some pictures of what ive done so far. Also I have no idea why one of these pictures is upside down.

Sunday, 10 January 2010

This is just fucking heavy so check it out.

Happy Birthday

In July last year I decided that for a good friend of mine Oliver Brookes birthday I would get him something extra special, So i got an old board I had lying about and painted a canvas using some white emulsion, and painted on it using water colors which I can tell you wasn't very easy. I also did one for a friend another friend of mine Chris Hemsley, but some how from the distance from my bedroom and my front door managed to lose it, So apologies to him.

So it's a friday night, what else am I gonna be doing?

So yeah made some candle holders out of old bottles and cans that were in my room.

And drew a raven.

Friday, 8 January 2010


Following on from my previous post, I found some images from a session where I did some self portraits, to do these I started just using charcoal but eventually started using paints and pastels. To make these I just put the charcoal to the paper, closed my eyes, put my hand to my face and drew what I feel. Some turned out a lot better than others but I guess practice makes perfect hey. But yeah anyway here they are.

Homemade paintbrushes

Here I got into working using only my memories on the page. I had a session recentley which lead me to producing this, my tutor was teaching me to only use my memory of what I was drawing as soon as my brush hit the page. Well yeah this is what i ended up with. Hope you enjoy there a few i feel are better which I will up load soon.

Tote bags

So well i started a project very recently which involved creating an image with just using the word radio as inspiration, I decided to do a short lineof double sided tote bags of the designs i came up with. So yeah here we are my final design.


I thought i would add a few pictures i took of the whole process, just to show you how it was all done.

Tim Goodman

I had to pleasure to get involved with Tim Goodman's "Timblography" site very recently and received some very nice words about myself and my work from him, So I just wanted to spread to work about his work on here to show my appreciation to him by posting a link to his site.

To those who haven't seen his work (and I assume most have) you should really check it out for some really fantastic portraits and for an insight and documentation into the Clinic nights. Also check out "Humunga-Dunga" section, my personal favorite.
Click through the image to get to the site.


Today i received a little gift coming from Jessie Glasspool. A lovely little drawing of myself with a polar bear (long story).

So i thought i would return the favor by doing this portrait of her whilst she was thinking up ideas.